Surviving Springtime Allergies

/ April 25, 2019

Spring has finally arrived, but for some people springtime allergies can overwhelm the excitement for warm weather. The most common triggers of springtime allergies include pet dander, mold spores, pollen, dust mite, and cockroach allergens.

If you have allergies in the spring, you’re not alone. Close to 40 million people in the United States have some kind of indoor/outdoor allergy. No matter how long you’ve been dealing with seasonal allergies, there are some great tips you can utilize to help you cope:

Address Allergies Early

Many people don’t realize how early spring pollen season starts. As soon as the weather becomes warm enough for trees to start budding, pollen season has begun. If you take medicine to control your allergies, start them at this time instead of waiting until spring is in full force.

Be Familiar with Medication Options

In terms of over-the-counter medications, there are nasal sprays, antihistamines, and decongestants. Nasal sprays and antihistamines are great for people with mild allergies, but you may want to switch brands after a bit if you feel like your symptoms are not improving. Although they can help you breathe better, decongestants are better for a cold than allergies because they are not meant for long-term use. Speak with your doctor to determine the best option for you.

Put Yourself in Control

If you want to be outside but know your allergies will act up, think about wearing a protective allergy face mask. There are disposable options or long-term respirator masks with a filter. Take medication before you go outside so it has time to get into your system, and check to see the pollen count in your area. Days where the count is low and it is less windy will be easier on your allergies. If you want to prevent allergens from getting inside, get a high-efficiency furnace filter and change it twice a year.

Visit an Allergist

If you aren’t finding relief with any over-the-counter medications, you can visit an allergist to get a prescription. The allergist can see exactly what you’re allergic to and work with you to develop a personalized plan for addressing the issues.

Don’t miss out on the beautiful weather this spring. Try these tips and put yourself in control of your seasonal allergies.

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